PTSD & Trauma Therapy Liverpool

PTSD and Trauma Therapy in Liverpool

If you’ve experienced any trauma, it’s important to talk to a therapist about what you have been through. Keeping any trauma bottled up inside can develop into PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Here are some examples of trauma – car accidents, physical or mental abuse, rape, witnessing violence or self-harm, an unexpected sudden or violent death, being neglected as a child, or being in a house fire.

If you’ve experienced trauma and keep replaying the thoughts in your mind, book a free consultation with one of our highly trained PTSD therapists. You can talk to us on the phone, via video call or in person at our private practice, which is located at 40 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9AA.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? (PTSD)

The term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) first emerged after the Vietnam War to experience the emotions veterans were going through after the conflict. Today, the term describes the symptoms anybody might experience after being involved in a distressing, stressful, traumatic, or terrifying event. 

Although the symptoms of trauma can emerge soon after the event, people can start experiencing them many years later. The purpose of PTSD counselling and trauma therapy is to help you explore your reactions to the event and to help you find ways to process what has happened. 

It can also help you cope with your reactions to transform the trauma from a current problem into a memory. 

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

Even if two people have been involved in the same event, they will never react in exactly the same manner. Everybody processes their experiences differently, and this means responses and reactions are unique. 

Somebody living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can experience a huge mix of emotional and physical responses. One of the most common responses to trauma is having vivid flashbacks where somebody feels like the trauma is being repeated. You may have nightmares which are either directly related to the event or apparently unrelated. 

You may also experience disturbed sleep, have outbursts or find yourself acting angry or aggressive. Some people feel extremely alert when they are living with PTSD, but it’s also possible to feel very numb and detached. You may also find yourself avoiding things that remind you of the trauma and repressing memories. It’s common for people to keep themselves busy to avoid thinking about traumas. 

Other symptoms of PTSD include self-destructive behaviour such as drug & alcohol abuse to try and distract themselves from the intense, distressing memories and reminders of the trauma. You may experience depression, anxiety and physical symptoms, including pain, dizziness and sweating. Some people experience suicidal thoughts. All of these symptoms can cause a lot of damage to your relationships.

If you recognise any of these PTSD symptoms in yourself, you can book a free consultation for private trauma therapy by calling 07700153066 or using our online booking form. You can visit us at our private practice which is located two minutes away from the Liverpool Cathedral.

What are the causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?  

A wide range of events can cause PTSD. It’s possible for one individual to find something traumatic but another not to see it this way. Some individuals may have no symptoms related to PTSD at all after going through or witnessing a traumatic event. Everybody is different, and people can react to and cope with things in many ways. 

PTSD Treatment Liverpool

A lady reliving painful memories after witnessing a traumatic event.

Here are a few examples of what could cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

A wide range of traumatic events can cause PTSD, and it’s possible to experience it whether you’ve been directly involved in an event or have witnessed one. Here are some examples of events that could cause somebody to experience the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

• Road accidents

• Violence, including being attacked

• Sexual assault and rape

• Bullying


• Robbery

• Persistent abuse

• Surviving a terrorist attack or witnessing one

• Seeing someone being attacked or killed 

• Returning from a conflict zone

• Being kidnapped or held hostage

• Witnessing or going through a traumatic birth

• Being involved in a natural disaster like an avalanche, tsunami or earthquake

How does Counselling help with PTSD and Trauma?

Counselling gives you a safe, soothing and confidential environment in which you can discuss and gain an understanding of your trauma experience or experiences. It will also help you to explore the physical reactions your trauma may have been causing. 

If you are experiencing these reactions, cognitive behavioural therapy can give you practical support and strategies for managing symptoms, including panic attacks, flashbacks and nightmares. This form of counselling can give you the tools you need to manage these reactions.

Hypnotherapy is another powerful treatment we offer for symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, don’t suffer in silence. Book an appointment with our highly qualified and experienced Liverpool trauma therapists. 

It’s 100% private and confidential. You can visit us in person at our private practice at 40 Rodney Street near Liverpool city centre, or you can talk to a counsellor on the phone. Call the Liverpool Counselling Association on 07700153066 to book your FREE consultation.

Are you hesitant to ‘revisit’ the event linked to PTSD symptoms?

If you have attempted to banish the memory of the traumatic event, you may be worried about attending trauma counselling due to concerns about ‘reliving’ it. Attempts to forget what happened can cause the trauma to remain present in your life. Your symptoms can be seen as a way of your mind and body telling you that you are yet to process what occurred. Counselling can help you approach the trauma gently so you can change your physical and emotional reactions, transforming your trauma from an ongoing problem into a memory. 

Things to remember:

  • Counselling and trauma therapy give you the chance to explore the event or events in your own time. You will not be rushed. 
  • You will work at a pace that is the most comfortable for you.
  • Counselling does not aim to re-traumatise you.
  • Counselling won’t leave you with feelings you don’t know how to manage or cope with.

We are here for you if you think you have been experiencing PTSD symptoms and are looking for trauma therapists in Liverpool. Therapy for childhood trauma or therapy for trauma during adulthood. Attending therapy for trauma can be highly effective when it comes to helping you make sense of a traumatic event. We can provide you with the services of a leading therapist for PTSD who won’t judge you. 

Contact us

Our highly experienced counsellors have many years of experience when it comes to helping people deal with the symptoms of PTSD. They will listen closely to what you have to say in order to provide you with the best support possible. 

If you are ready to discuss counselling for trauma and managing the symptoms of PTSD, why not take the first step today and book a free consultation for trauma therapy? It’s 100% private and won’t cost you a penny! Our trauma therapist can talk to you on the phone or in person at our private practice in Liverpool city centre.

You can reach us today by calling 07700153066 or by using the online booking form. Our free consultation will allow you to ask any questions about our trauma therapy and PTSD counselling services.

Book a FREE 20 Minute Consultation

If you keep on reliving the painful memories of a past or recent trauma don’t suffer in silence. Our kind, caring and compassionate counsellors are ready and waiting to help you work through the painful memories and live a happier life.

Trying to cope with the flashbacks and PTSD triggers is not easy to do on your own. PTSD therapy will help you move forward with your life.

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